Butterflies on the decline
Published:06 Jun.2023    Source:Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

Research shows that the numbers of butterflies in meadows and pastures of Europe are in a continuous decline. A new EU regulation aims to stop this trend.

Grassland butterflies will soon play an even greater role in EU nature conservation legislation. Based on the occurrences and population trends of butterflies, the member states are supposed to document the progress they have made in implementing the planned "Nature Restoration Law." The Butterfly Grassland Indicator, recently calculated for the eighth time by European foundation "Butterfly Conservation Europe," is to be used for this. This analysis, which also includes data and expertise from many volunteers in Germany -- coordinated by experts from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Halle -- shows an urgent need for action. This is because the situation of grassland butterflies in Europe has deteriorated considerably since the first calculations in 1990.
The diagnosis sounds worrying: More than 80% of habitats in the EU are currently considered vulnerable. This has negative consequences on their functional capability and thus the services they provide for humans. In order to counter this, the European Commission has proposed a new set of rules. This "Nature Restoration Law" is one of the key elements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 to be published this May. It defines binding targets for the entire EU for the renaturation of various ecosystems. Two years after the regulation enters into force, member states must submit plans on how they intend to meet these targets. They must also document the success of their measures.