Research Article

Influence of Habitat Type in the Distribution and Abundance of Flying Insect Species in Kisumu National Polytechnic Implications for Food Security  

M.B. Ogallo1,2 , A.L. Irene3 , B. Chepchumba2 , F.M. Wanjala1 , C.A. Awiti2,4 , J.M. Mutunga5
1 University of Eldoret, School of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 1125-30100, Eldoret, Kenya
2 Kisumu National Polytechnic, Department of Applied Science, P.O. Box 143-40100, Kisumu, Kenya
3 Lutheran special school for the mentally handicapped, P.O. Box 19235-40123, Kisumu, Kenya
4 University of Kabianga, School of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 2030-20200, Kericho, Kenya
5 Mount Kenya University, School of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 342-01000, Thika, Kenya
Author    Correspondence author
Molecular Entomology, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/me.2020.11.0001
Received: 18 Dec., 2019    Accepted: 09 Apr., 2020    Published: 15 May, 2020
© 2020 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Ogallo B.M., Irene A.L., Chepchumba B., Wanjala F.M., Awiti C.A., and Mutunga J.M., 2020, Influence of habitat type in the distribution and abundance of flying insect species in Kisumu National Polytechnic: Implications for food security, Molecular Entomology, 11(1): 1-7 (doi: 10.5376/me.2020.11.0001)


Food security is challenged by loss of natural habitats that reflect in reduction of insect population which is an alternative source of protein and a pollinator for flowering plants. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of a habitat type in the distribution and abundance of flying insects. Open-field, botanical-garden and water-shed habitats, 100 m apart were identified. Sweep net was standardized by taking 100 sweeps. Collection was done twice a week but two times a day at 0800 h and 1400 h. Sweep net was swung on short vegetation and in air, collected insects were emptied in killing jar containing 70%-chloroform soaked in cotton-wool, covered with aluminum foil. Edible insects were identified by attaching a photo to a questionnaire, administered to students, teaching and non-teaching staff. High proportion of insect was observed in Botanical garden (41%), compared to water shed (35%) and open field (24%). Mosquitoes were dominant in botanical garden (31.1%) and water shed (20.1%), while butterflies were dominant in open field (28.4%). In three habitats, mosquitoes were most abundant (23.8%). Lake-flies (27%) and grasshopper (26.7%) were highly proposed edible species. However, the profession of an individual does not influence the choice of edible insect (P= 0.763). Botanical garden provided insect high enough, showing a great potential as a future habitat that can protect insect species to help fight food insecurity.

Habitat; Sweep net; Pollinator; Edible; Flying insect
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Molecular Entomology
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. M.B. Ogallo
. A.L. Irene
. B. Chepchumba
. F.M. Wanjala
. C.A. Awiti
. J.M. Mutunga
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. Habitat
. Sweep net
. Pollinator
. Edible
. Flying insect
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